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Posts by: Radomir Basta

Rock, paper, scissors in PPC | Four Dots

Is it Time to Change Your PPC Strategy or Agency or Approach?

Being a full service digital marketing agency, we are used to working with elusive data and fickle metrics. While we, for instance, know that getting a link on a relevant, authoritative site will work towards improving your metrics, quantifying its exact contribution is practically impossible, even after the fact.

SEO Wizard Tricks | Four Dots

An SEO Wizard’s Bag of Tricks: Things to Do in 2018

Even though SEO has been around for decades now, it’s still a complex subject for most people. For those who don’t really understand how Google works, SEO is nothing short of wizardry. It’s like a magical book of spells that specific people know how to use to trick the world’s most popular search engine into […]

Rankings Drop 01

Climbing Back to The Top After a Drop in Rankings

Climbing Back to The Top After a Drop in Rankings SEO is a complex game that can turn your life upside down overnight. It doesn’t really matter how diligently you work on your brand and traffic online – your site could still end up in the gutter.  And by the gutter, I mean Page 2 […]

5 Content Marketing KPIs That You Should to Keep An Eye On 01

5 Critical Content Marketing KPIs You Should be Tracking

5 Critical Content Marketing KPIs You Should be Tracking Even though the Internet is full of articles that praise content marketing, recent research has shown that less than 6% of those who invest in this type of promotion feel they’re doing it right. With more resources than ever being poured into content marketing, it has […]

sensei 1 03

Creating Content that Generates Links Like Crazy

Creating Content that Generates Links Like Crazy “WRITE AMAZING CONTENT!” – Almost every blog post about link building has some version of this sentence in it. It’s like they were all written by the same mad man who carries a bible-like SEO book around and screams random search engine optimization tips at people who walk […]

ctr lion 1

CTR in the Digital Marketing Jungle

CTR in the Digital Marketing Jungle As a person who makes his bread and butter online, I see the Internet and digital marketing as a great, big jungle. But not just any jungle – a very, very vicious one. Big cats rule the land here. They’re everywhere, and they’re hungry! If you don’t understand how […]

shut up and take my money 01

The “Shut Up and Take My Money” Content Strategy

A Guide to Creating Content Strategy that Influences Every Stage of Your Sales Funnel You know the meme: Perfect, isn’t it?! Regardless of what you do or sell online, one of your top business goals is always to attract this type of customer. Why is that? – Well, this is the archetype of an ideal […]

attracting links with content marketing

Why Your Content Isn’t Attracting Links, and How to Fix It

Content marketing is everywhere today. Thanks to the success that a couple of brands experienced within this field, a lot of companies have started to allocate significant chunks of their budget into content marketing. They have finally figured out that by producing and publishing different types of blog posts, webinars, images, infographics, videos, newsletters, case […]


Creating Content That Your Audience Will Adore – The Human Oriented Approach

Creating Content That Your Audience Will Adore – The Human Oriented Approach These days, a lot of brands are adding content marketing to their existing marketing mix. They have finally figured out that this type of promotion can really influence their online exposure for the better. Creating various types of interesting images, how-to texts, case studies, […]

inbound growth hacking bible

The Inbound Growth Hacking Bible

“The end goal of every growth hacker is to build a self-perpetuating marketing machine that reaches millions by itself.” ~ Aaron Ginn Back in 2012, Bill Lee wrote a cheeky piece for Harvard Business Review declaring marketing a dead paradigm. His observation was right on the spot: whether marketers like it or not, traditional advertising approaches […]

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