Google Penalty Removal Services

Speak to our team of SEO experts on how to remove manual actions in google search console and get your websites visibility back on track.

In the digital world, to have a website penalized by Google is almost the same as having your physical product removed from all the visible places in a store. This scenario can be devastating not only for your present sales, but also for your future efforts.

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Even the major websites suffered a penalty.
And were cured

Even though Google Penalty can harm your online reputation to a great extent, there are efficient ways to recover in relatively short time period. To do this, of course, you need expert advice and some time to focus on improvements. With some effort, your reputation will again be excellent.



Google PAAn unusually large traffic drop is probably the most striking change a penalty by Google will cause to your website. Since this can be devastating for any online business, you need to take all the necessary steps to identify and try to solve a problem. To be able to resolve a problem, you first need to understand it. If you notice performance problems, Google Analytics Agency recommends you take the following steps: Identify the type of penalty (Panda, Penguin, Manual actions, Malware), Understand the symptoms (traffic loss especially if it coincides with a Google algorithm update), Assess your options based on the severity of the problem.

Google penalty removal process

Depending on the severity of the penalty, you can recover from the damage in as quickly as dozen days or as long as several months. The most important thing, however, is to react on time. This way, you’ll stand more chances of getting to the level of popularity you previously established. Of course, the first step is to know for sure what kind of penalty you’re facing.

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Using intelligent Google penalty removal strategies, Four Dots Sydney SEO services have helped numerous companies recover from the associated issues. This is what makes us confident in our abilities to cope with even the most aggressive penalty and help a business out any time. Regardless of the type of problem you’re experiencing, Four Dots Australia can be of assistance and set your website back on track.

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What are common causes of google penalties?

Google penalties can occur for a variety of reasons, primarily due to violations of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Some common causes include:

Keyword Stuffing: Overusing keywords in your content in an attempt to manipulate search rankings.

Duplicate Content: Having identical or very similar content across multiple pages or sites.

Low-Quality Content: Content that is thin, irrelevant, or created solely for search engines rather than users.

Link Schemes: Participating in link exchanges, buying links, or other manipulative link-building practices.

Hidden Text or Links: Using text or links that are invisible to users but visible to search engines.

Cloaking: Presenting different content or URLs to users and search engines.

Spammy Structured Markup: Adding markup to content in ways that mislead users or search engines.

Hacked Site: If your site has been compromised and is hosting malicious content.

User-Generated Spam: Allowing spammy content from users, such as spammy comments or forum posts, to accumulate on your site.
Over-Optimisation: Overly aggressive SEO tactics, including excessive use of exact match anchor text.

Staying informed about Google’s guidelines and focusing on providing high-quality, user-friendly content is the best way to avoid penalties.

What happens when you get a Google penalty?

When your website receives a Google penalty, it can significantly impact your online visibility and search engine rankings. Here’s what typically happens:

Drop in Rankings: Your website’s pages may drop significantly in Google’s search results, making it harder for potential customers to find you.

Loss of Traffic: A lower ranking usually results in a significant decrease in organic traffic, as fewer people will see and click on your site.

Decreased Revenue: With less traffic, you may see a corresponding drop in leads, sales, and overall revenue.

Manual Action Notification: If it’s a manual penalty, you’ll receive a notification in Google Search Console explaining the issue and the steps you need to take to resolve it.

Algorithmic Penalties: These penalties are automatic, resulting from changes in Google’s algorithms, and you might not receive a specific notification.

Damage to Reputation: Users and other businesses might perceive your site as less trustworthy, especially if the penalty is for something like hosting malicious content.

Addressing the cause of the penalty and submitting a reconsideration request (for manual penalties) or improving your site’s adherence to Google’s guidelines (for algorithmic penalties) is crucial to recovering your site’s rankings and traffic.

What are the different types of google penalty?

Google penalties encompass two main categories: manual and algorithmic.

Manual penalties are issued by Google's human reviewers for violations such as unnatural links, thin content, and deceptive practices like cloaking.
Site owners receive notifications through Google Search Console detailing issues and steps for resolution.
After fixing the problems, site owners can request reconsideration from Google to lift the penalty.

Algorithmic penalties are automatically triggered by updates targeting practices like keyword stuffing, link schemes, and content manipulation.
Unlike manual penalties, algorithmic penalties do not come with direct notifications.
Site owners must monitor and adjust their site to meet Google's evolving algorithm criteria.

Additionally, site-wide penalties may occur for severe guideline violations, impacting a website's entire visibility.
Recovery requires comprehensive remediation of all issues across the site and a thorough reconsideration request submitted to Google.
Understanding these penalties is crucial for maintaining SEO health.
Prioritizing compliance with Google's guidelines, creating quality content, and using ethical SEO practices help avoid penalties and maintain strong search rankings.

This format organizes the information into bulleted points for easier comprehension of the types and processes involved in Google penalties. Let me know if this meets your needs or if you'd like any further adjustments!

How long do google penalties last?

The duration of Google penalties can vary widely depending on several factors. Manual penalties typically last until the issues causing the penalty are addressed and Google approves a reconsideration request. This process involves identifying and rectifying violations of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, such as unnatural links or thin content. Once the site owner has made necessary improvements and submitted a reconsideration request through Google Search Console, Google reviews the site to ensure compliance. The timeline for recovery from manual penalties generally ranges from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the issues and the promptness of corrective actions.

Algorithmic penalties, however, can persist until Google’s algorithms recognize sufficient improvements in site quality and compliance. These penalties are automatically applied based on updates to Google’s search algorithms targeting practices like keyword stuffing or manipulative link schemes. Recovery from algorithmic penalties requires ongoing efforts to improve content quality, remove harmful links, and align with updated algorithm criteria. While there is no specific timeframe for algorithmic penalties to be lifted, consistent adherence to Google’s guidelines and best practices can gradually restore search rankings over time.

How to recover from any google penalty?

To recover from a Google penalty, follow a systematic approach:
Identify and understand the penalty: Check Google Search Console for notifications or manual actions indicating the penalty type (e.g., unnatural links, thin content). Determine the specific violations of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines that caused the penalty.

Take immediate action: Promptly address identified issues by removing or disavowing unnatural or spammy links, improving content quality to provide genuine user value, and ensuring the website meets all Google quality standards.

Document changes: Keep detailed records of website changes to demonstrate compliance during recovery.

Submit a reconsideration request: Use Google Search Console to outline actions taken to rectify the penalty and provide comprehensive documentation and evidence of improvements made.

Be patient during review: Understand Google manually reviews the site for guideline adherence before lifting the penalty.

Maintain proactive SEO: Regularly audit the site for guideline compliance, create high-quality, user-centric content, and avoid manipulative tactics.

Stay informed: Keep updated on Google’s algorithm updates and SEO best practices to prevent future penalties. Continuously enhance site content and user experience for sustained search engine rankings.

Recovering from a Google penalty requires promptly addressing issues, documenting changes, submitting a reconsideration request with evidence of improvements, maintaining proactive SEO practices, and staying informed about SEO best practices and algorithm updates.

How much does google penalty removal services cost?

The cost of Google penalty removal services can vary widely depending on several factors. These factors include the severity of the penalty, the size and complexity of your website, and the specific issues that need to be addressed.

Generally, prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand Australian dollars. Some agencies may charge a flat fee for the entire process, while others may bill hourly or offer tiered pricing based on the extent of the work required.

It’s essential to choose a reputable service with a proven track record in successfully removing penalties and improving search engine rankings. Always request a detailed quote and understand what services are included before committing to a penalty removal plan.

Can you get my rankings back to what I had before the penalty?

Whether you can regain your previous rankings after a Google penalty depends on various factors. These include the nature and severity of the penalty, the effectiveness of the corrective actions taken, and the overall quality and competitiveness of your website. If the penalty was due to issues like unnatural links or thin content, and you have successfully addressed these problems and submitted a reconsideration request, there is a good chance you can recover your rankings.

However, it's important to note that recovery is not always immediate. It may take some time for Google to re-evaluate your site and for rankings to improve. Additionally, the search landscape is dynamic, and competitors' actions can also impact your rankings. Therefore, while it's possible to regain or even surpass your previous rankings with diligent effort and adherence to best SEO practices, there are no guarantees.

To maximise your chances of recovery, focus on creating high-quality, user-centric content, maintaining a healthy backlink profile, and staying updated with Google's guidelines and algorithm changes. Working with a professional SEO agency can also provide the expertise and support needed to navigate this complex process effectively.

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